Education Endowment Foundation:School planning support 2022 – 23

School planning support 2022 – 23

Evidence-based guidance for schools to support their work for the current academic year 2022 – 23.

Over the past two years, schools have worked tirelessly to limit the impact of COVID related disruption on their pupils. Now, schools are moving forwards with their plans so that their pupils flourish in the year ahead.

The EEF has produced Moving forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022 – 23, to support schools in their planning efforts in the academic year ahead. It proposes a tiered model that focuses upon high-quality teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies (such as improving attendance) to aid school leaders’ existing planning efforts.

The short guide compiles the most recent available evidence for schools, providing a handy one-stop resource from which to explore the evidence base and resources of the EEF.

The guide explicitly links to our new Impact of COVID-19 on learning report. Published together, the planning guide offers practical solutions to the various challenges posed by the damaging impact COVID has had on pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Read more about the Impact of COVID-19 on learning report here:

Alongside Moving forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022 – 23, the EEF has produced two accessible tools – a planning template and a question prompt resource, to be used in conjunction with the guide.

Additionally, the EEF’s Research School Network is available to provide localised support for schools looking to implement evidence-informed changes to teaching and learning in their context.

In conjunction with Moving forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022 – 23, school leaders will find our guide to implementation a valuable resource, alongside our range of evidence-based planning guides.

Cards tl guidance reports

Education evidence

Guidance reports

Clear and actionable recommendations for teachers on a range of high-priority issues, based on the best available evidence.
Read more aboutGuidance reports
Cards gr school improvment planning 1

Support for education professionals

1. High-quality teaching

Evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for their pupils.
Read more about1. High-quality teaching
Cards gr school improvment planning 3

Support for education professionals

3. Wider strategies

Wider strategies relate to the most significant non-academic barriers to success in school
Read more about3. Wider strategies