Education Endowment Foundation:Voices from the classroom: Applying the seven-step model to support independent learning

Voices from the classroom: Applying the seven-step model to support independent learning

Hannah Heron
Hannah Heron
Content Specialist for Learning Behaviours

Hannah Heron, content specialist for learning behaviours and senior leader at the CLIC Trust, Manchester introduces a new Voices from the Classroom video.

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In this Voices from the Classroom’ video, Lucy Broomfield – primary school teacher and KS1 phase leader at Chorlton Park Primary School – explains how she uses the seven-step model’ to support pupils’ independent learning.

Drawing from Recommendation 2 of the EEF’s Metacognition and Self-Regulation guidance report, this video highlights how the seven-step model’ for explicitly teaching metacognitive strategies allows the teacher to build solid knowledge and understanding before gradually releasing responsibility to the learner. The seven-step model’ can be applied to learning different subject content at different phases and ages.

We asked Lucy to talk to us about how the seven-step model’ has become an integral part of her teaching habits. Lucy highlights the importance of teachers modelling their own thinking throughout the seven-step model to help pupils develop their metacognitive skills.

In the video, Lucy focusses on what the Activating Prior Knowledge’ and Modelling’ elements from the model look like in her classroom.

We hope this latest Voices from the Classroom’ video supports colleagues to consider how integrating the seven-step model’ into our teaching habits can help our pupils become more independent.

Applying the seven-step model to support